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The Daily Shortlist May 20

5:00 AM Posted by Short and Sweet NYC

The Only Thing Missing From this Exhibition is Jasper Johns!

Location: Chelsea, NYC
Art: Who’s Afraid of Jasper Johns?
Show time: Tues thru Sat 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Venue: Tony Shafrazi Gallery
Food: Pastis
Drink: Red Rock West Saloon
Miscellaneous: Ninth Street Espresso

Curated by Swiss artist Urs Fischer and gallery owner Gavin Brown, Who’s Afraid of Jasper Johns? is motivated by two themes, one being a mix of modern art, installations, and sculpture, the second, photos of Tony Shafrazzi being arrested in 1974, after spray-painting “Kill Lies All” over Picasso’s painting Guernica in the MOMA. If French cuisine is what you’re after, Pastis, a French bistro run by Keith McNally, offers some of the best classic French food and bistro fare in the city. Usually crowded, it’s not known for its intimacy. Also not known for being quiet, Red Rock West Saloon is a biker and blue collar bar where you can throw back a beer and listen to some Southern rock. What’s a night in NYC without a great cup of coffee in a low-key café? Ninth Street Espresso offers that kind of setting and a well-chosen selection of coffees.
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