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I WAS THERE . . . Type O Negative at Terminal 5--6/28/08

5:30 AM Posted by Short and Sweet NYC

Unfortunately, This Was NOT Peter Steele’s Finest Hour! Photo Credit: Christopher Rosco

Type O Negative
Terminal 5
June 28, 2008

Type O Negative fans witnessed a disappointing scene when front man Peter Steele gave a disastrous performance during the Jägermeister Tour on June 28th at New York City’s Terminal 5. Time was not on Steele’s side, who used to be a muscular 6’6” goth god with a baritone voice. After over 15 minutes waiting for the band to perform, the audience was shocked to see a haggard 46-year-old with missing teeth. The man who once seduced with hits like “Love You to Death” and “My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend,” staggered up three steps just to reach the stage and only sang one complete song. Sure enough, the audience was booing, screaming for Hatebreed, the final act of the tour, to play. What’s worse is that the other band members had to sing beloved classics, like “Christian Woman” and “Black No. 1” because Steele couldn’t remember the lyrics. Type O Negative, watching you is like watching the dead.

--Stephanie Nolasco

Let's not forget this show's saving grace . . . Hatebreed.

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