The talented Aussie trio’s new album, Dystopia, was recently released and the lads are currently touring the United States promoting the album. Luckily, I got to chat via phone with Andrew about the band’s new album, how they write a song together, and why he loves Randy Newman.
You’re music has been called everything from eerie to resembling David Bowie. How would you describe your sound?
Um…I don’t know, like psychedelic, zoo tribal, indie dance. Our sound is always evolving, getting a lot more to the epic rock. There are numerous descriptions.
Is eighties synth music an influence for you creatively?
Yeah it is a long list of eighties synth music. Film composers as well like the moods they create. Vincent Von Helen, all sorts of stuff… a lot of sixties music.
How did you guys form the band?
It started with me and Vincent, we used to make music together coming from a fusion rock background. After high school, we started playing at parties and a mix of things. It took off from there. Daniel joined and we just kept evolving, mucking around playing a lot of different places.
What was your favorite aspect of making Dystopia?
Being able to make music and completing a song. We are all passionate about the album and it can take on a life of its own. Writing is such a great experience too.
Have you guys grown as a band from your EP to the new album?
We grew a lot since the EP, which was like a bedroom recording, compared to the new album. Also, we have been touring a lot and evolving as live performers a lot too.
If you could meet anyone from music’s past, who would it be?
Um, Randy Newman, David Bowie, a long list of people….
How do you guys as a band approach writing songs?
We work in a lot of different ways. It is a separate process. We write separately and then bring them together as a band. Actual writing is separate and recording is done together as a band.
Well I am all out of questions. Thanks for taking time to do an interview.
Thanks as well.
Corey Crossfield
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