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DuWop Eyecatchers

5:30 AM Posted by Short and Sweet NYC
Consistent with the brand’s innovative approach to cosmetic formulation, DuWop’s Eyecatchers are designed to intensify eye color via metallic “flecks” that illuminate highlights in the iris. In addition, eyecatchers are smudge-proof and easily coupled with any eye shadow, even though shadow may not be necessary.

I am not normally inclined to use eyeliner in my usual eye-makeup regimen, and thus may not be the most experienced with similar products, but still I found this pencil to be rather difficult to apply. Furthermore, I saw no “flecks” and found no noticeable difference between this and any other eye-liner. Thus, while I can appreciate the unique intent in the creation of this tool, this $18.50 might be better spent on 18 eyeliners from the dollar rack of your local Duane Reade.

Jessica Stein
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