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5:30 AM Posted by Short and Sweet NYC
By now we’ve all seen that Carrie Bradshaw’s greatest dream is fully realized come the end of all the drama in Sex and the City. That is, her dream of having a full-on walk-in closet to house all of her dearly beloved shoes! No New York shoe lover will deny that such a closet is a rare and exquisite find; and so, for those of us without a boyfriend swimming in money who only dreams of spending it on such luxuries, we must resort to stuffing our footwear into whatever crevices remain in the boxes that exist in our common-woman’s closet-sized New York City domiciles. Alas, ladies, there is no longer a need to fret about shoe space, because designer Lindsay Phillips has come up with an ingenious solution to your footwear-space-taking woes!

Switchflops are essentially flip-flop soles that offer an option of interchangeable strap designs, that encompass multiple pairs of flip-flops in one. Straps attach with velcro and come with accompanying buttons that match the strap design. Strap designs come in a variety of options that include stripes, polka-dots, solids, florals and an otherwise very wide array of patterns and colors to match any outfit, whether it be jeans and a tee, or a swimsuit and towel.

Furthermore, the soles are comfortable, conform to the foot, and should be able to endure any subway-rider’s usual wear-and-tear. That being said, Switchflops should also permit any fashionista to be right “in-step” with her fellow stylish beach-goers! Most important, once the base is perfectly worn in, there is no need to break in another pair despite a change of outfit because, as Ms. Phillips says, Switchflops enable you to “change your look, not your sole!”

Jessica Stein
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1 Response to "Switchflops"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Too bad they're ugly!

    Posted on April 7, 2009 at 7:16 PM



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