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The Daily Shortlist July 1

5:00 AM Posted by Short and Sweet NYC
Henry Darger (1892 - 1973)
Mid-twentieth century
Watercolor, pencil, and carbon tracing on pieced paper
19 x 24 in.
American Folk Art Museum, purchase, 2001.16.5
(c) Kiyoko Lerner

Photo by James Prinz

Location: Midtown West, NYC
Art: Up Close: Henry Darger
Show time: Tues thru Sun 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM & Fri 10:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Through September 6
Venue: American Folk Art Museum
Food: Zip Burger
Drink: Subway Inn
Miscellaneous: Kinokuniya Bookstore

Self-taught artist Henry Darger (1892-1973), created nearly 300 watercolor and collage paintings to illustrate his epic masterpiece, The Story of the Vivian Girls. The exhibition Up Close: Henry Darger features eight of Darger’s watercolors from his 15,000 page manuscript. At Zip Burger they offer farm-raised, organic, and grass-fed meat and poultry, letting you build your own burger with plenty of gourmet toppings. The first time I went to Subway Inn I thought it was completely strange that there was a dive bar off Lexington Avenue, especially in this neck of the woods, but somehow it works. Born in the 30s, this bar has somehow remained, and thank god, as it’s easily the cheapest and most colorful place in the area for a drink. For fans of Japanese pop-culture, Kinokuniya Bookstore has a large selection of Japanese themed books, videos, CDs, magazines, comics, and stationary.

The cast and crew of the Tony-nominated Best Musical 'Rock Of Ages' will attempt to break the Guinness World Record for Largest Air Guitar Ensemble TODAY, July 1st. The event will start at 1:30 pm PST, and will be streamed live on Ustream here:

The ensemble will include Tony Award Nominee Constantine Maroulis, 2007 National Air Guitar Champion Andrew "William Ocean" Litz, the matinee audience and fans.

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